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St. John the Baptist Novena Prayer Patron Saint of Baptism, Conversion, Monks, Jordan, Puerto Rico, and Many Other Places

St. John the Baptist Novena All 9 Days.

NovenaSt. John the Baptist Novena
Novena BeginsJune 15
Feast DayJune 24
Patron Saint ofBaptism, Conversion, Monks, Jordan, Puerto Rico, and Many Other Places

About St. John the Baptist

Saint John the Baptist was called by God to be the forerunner of his Divine Son. In order to preserve his innocence spotless, and to improve the extraordinary graces which he had received, he was directed by the Holy Ghost to lead an austere and contemplative life in the wilderness, in the continual exercises of devout prayer and penance, from his infancy till he was thirty years of age.

At this age, the faithful minister began to discharge his mission. Clothed with the weeds of penance, he announced to all men the obligation they lay under of washing away their iniquities with the tears of sincere compunction, and proclaimed the Messiah, who was then coming to make his appearance among them. He was received by the people as the true herald of the Most High God, and his voice was, as it were, a trumpet sounding from heaven to summon all men to avert the divine judgments, and to prepare themselves to reap the benefit of the mercy that was offered them.

The tetrarch Herod Antipas having, in defiance of all laws divine and human, married Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, who was yet living, St. John the Baptist boldly reprehended the tetrarch and his accomplice for so scandalous an incest and adultery, and Herod, urged on by lust and anger, cast the, Saint into prison. About a year after St. John had been made a prisoner, Herod gave a splendid entertainment to the nobility of Galilee. Salome, a daughter of Herodias by her lawful husband, pleased Herod by her dancing, insomuch that he promised her to grant whatever she asked. On this, Salome consulted with her mother what to ask. Herodias instructed her daughter to demand the death of John the Baptist, and persuaded the young damsel to make it part of her petition that the head of the prisoner should be forthwith brought to her in a dish.

This strange request startled the tyrant himself; he assented, however, and sent a soldier of his guard to behead the Saint in prison, with an order to bring his head in a charger and present it to Salome, who delivered it to her mother. St. Jerome relates that the furious Herodias made it her inhuman pastime to prick the sacred tongue with a bodkin. Thus died the great forerunner of our blessed Saviour, about two years and three months after his entrance upon his public ministry, about a year before the death of our blessed Redeemer.

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 1

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 2

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 3

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 4

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 5

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 6

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 7

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 8

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

St. John the Baptist Novena Day 9

Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ. We implore your intercession for …

(Mention your request here…)

For all of our members in their work And for all those we serve. Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Who came to seek and save the lost, To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit With good words of counsel for those in need. May we be strengthened by your prayers And good example as we prepare the way for the Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform Those entrusted to our care. We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Say 1: Our Father… Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…

Prayer to St. John the Baptist

O glorious Saint John the Baptist, greatest prophet among those born of woman, although thou wast sanctified in thy mother’s womb and didst lead a most innocent life, nevertheless it was thy will to retire into the wilderness, there to devote thyself to the practice of austerity and penance; obtain for us of thy Lord the grace to be wholly detached, at least in our hearts, from earthly goods, and to practice Christian mortification with interior recollection and with the spirit of holy prayer.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

O most zealous Apostle, who, without working any miracle on others, but solely by the example of thy life of penance and the power of thy word, didst draw after thee the multitudes, in order to dispose them to receive the Messias worthily and to listen to His heavenly doctrine; grant that it may be given unto us, by means of thy example of a holy life and the exercise of every good work, to bring many souls to God, but above all those souls that are enveloped in the darkness of error and ignorance and are led astray by vice.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

O Martyr invincible, who, for the honor of God and the salvation of souls didst with firmness and constancy withstand the impiety of Herod even at the cost of thine own life, and didst rebuke him openly for his wicked and dissolute life; by thy prayers obtain for us a heart, brave and generous, in order that we may overcome all human respect and openly profess our faith in loyal obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ, our divine Master.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint John the Baptist
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O God, who hast made this day to be honorable in our eyes by the commemoration of blessed John the Baptist, grant unto Thy people the grace of spiritual joy, and direct the minds of all Thy faithful into the way of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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